
During a particularly challenging pregnancy that differed greatly from what I had envisioned and heard, I decided to document my experiences and eventually create a book titled “Dear Eme.” This book is meant to guide my daughter and other young women in the future.

During this time, it became clear to me that the realities of pregnancy and postpartum challenges are often underrepresented, leaving many women unprepared for what lies ahead. My husband thoughtfully provided me with a tablet to document my journey while on bed rest, hoping that a book would emerge by the end of nine months. However, the journey’s demands were overwhelming, and I wrote very little.

As I continue to navigate the path of motherhood, the unforeseen challenges and surprises I have encountered have reinforced my commitment to writing this book—a guide through motherhood from my perspective. While we work towards completing this book, I have decided to start with a blog. The “Dear Eme” blog will chronicle the diverse life experiences, beyond just motherhood, that have shaped me into the woman I am becoming.